Package 'spbal'

Title: Spatially Balanced Sampling Algorithms
Description: Encapsulates a number of spatially balanced sampling algorithms, namely, Balanced Acceptance Sampling (equal, unequal, seed point, panels), Halton frames (for discretizing a continuous resource), Halton Iterative Partitioning (equal probability) and Simple Random Sampling. Robertson, B. L., Brown, J. A., McDonald, T. and Jaksons, P. (2013) <doi:10.1111/biom.12059>. Robertson, B. L., McDonald, T., Price, C. J. and Brown, J. A. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2017.05.004>. Robertson, B. L., McDonald, T., Price, C. J. and Brown, J. A. (2018) <doi:10.1007/s10651-018-0406-6>. Robertson, B. L., van Dam-Bates, P. and Gansell, O. (2021a) <doi:10.1007/s10651-020-00481-1>.
Authors: Phil Davies [aut, cre], Blair Robertson [aut], Paul van Dam-Bates [aut], Oliver Gansell [aut]
Maintainer: Phil Davies <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2024-10-28 05:06:22 UTC

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Balanced Acceptance Sampling (BAS).


BAS draws spatially balanced samples from areal resources. To draw BAS samples, spbal requires a study region shapefile and the region’s bounding box. An initial sample size is also needed, which can be easily increased or decreased within spbal for master sampling applications


  shapefile = NULL,
  n = 100,
  boundingbox = NULL,
  minRadius = NULL,
  panels = NULL,
  panel_overlap = NULL,
  stratum = NULL,
  seeds = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Shape file as a polygon (sp or sf) to select sites for.


Number of sites to select. If using stratification it is a named vector containing sample sizes of each group.


Bounding box around the study area. If a bounding box is not supplied then spbal will generate a bounding box for the shapefile.


If specified, the minimum distance, in meters, allowed between sample points. This is applied to the $sample points. Points that meet the minRadius criteria are retuned in the minRadius output variable.


A list of integers that define the size of each panel in a non-overlapping panels design. The length of the list determines the number of panels required. The sum of the integers in the panels parameter will determine the total number of samples selected, n. The default value for panels is NULL, this indicates that a non-overlapping panel design is not wanted.


A list of integers that define the overlap into the previous panel. Is only used when the panels parameter is not NULL. The default value for panel_overlap is NULL. The length of panel_overlap must be equal to the length of panels. The first value is always forced to zero as the first panel never overlaps any region.


The name of a column in the data.frame attached to shapefile that defines the strata of interest.


A vector of 2 seeds, u1 and u2. If not specified, the default is NULL and will be defined randomly using function generateUVector.


Boolean if you want to see any output printed to screen. Helpful if taking a long time. Default is FALSE i.e. no informational messages are displayed.


A list containing three variables, $sample containing locations in the BAS sample, in BAS order, $seeds, the u1 and u2 seeds used to generate the sample and $minRadius containing points from $sample that meet the minRadius criteria. If the minRadius parameter is NULL then the $minRadius returned will also be NULL.

The sample points are returned in the form of a simple feature collection of POINT objects. They have the following attributes:

  • SiteID A unique identifier for every sample point. This encodes the BAS order.

  • spbalSeqID A unique identifier for every sample point. This encodes the BAS sample order.

  • geometry The XY co-ordinates of the sample point in the CRS of the original shapefile.


This function was first written by Paul van Dam-Bates for the package BASMasterSample and later simplified by Phil Davies.


# Equal probability BAS sample ----------------------------------------------

# Use the North Carolina shapefile supplied in the sf R package.
shp_file <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
shp_gates <- shp_file[shp_file$NAME == "Gates",]

# Vertically aligned master sample bounding box.
bb <- spbal::BoundingBox(shapefile = shp_gates)

n_samples <- 20
# Equal probability BAS sample.
result <- spbal::BAS(shapefile = shp_gates,
                     n = n_samples,
                     boundingbox = bb)
BAS20 <- result$sample
# display first three sample points.

# Increase the BAS sample size ----------------------------------------------
n_samples <- 50
result2 <- spbal::BAS(shapefile = shp_gates,
                      n = n_samples,
                      boundingbox = bb,
                      seeds = result$seed)
BAS50 <- result2$sample

# Check, first n_samples points in both samples must be the same.
all.equal(BAS20$geometry, BAS50$geometry[1:20])

Create a bounding box for a study region.


Randomly generate a seed from 10,000 possible values in right now 2 dimensions. Note that in van Dam-Bates et al. (2018) we required that the random seed falls into main object shape, such as one of the islands in New Zealand, or within marine environment for BC west coast. However, with a random rotation, we are able to ignore that detail. If this function is used without a random rotation, we recommend running it until the first master sample point does indeed fall within the largest scale of the master sample use.


BoundingBox(shapefile, d = 2, rotate = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



Spatial feature that defines the boundary of the area to define a bounding box over.


Dimension of the new Master Sample, at this stage we only work with d=2.


Boolean of whether or not to randomly rotate the bounding box. This parameter is not supported at this time.


Print the rotation and random seed when it is generated.


bounding box for a study area.


This function was first written by Paul van Dam-Bates for the package BASMasterSample and later ported to this package, spbal.


# Create a bounding box for the Gates, North Carolina study area -------------
# Use the North Carolina shapefile supplied in the sf R package.
shp_file <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
shp_gates <- shp_file[shp_file$NAME == "Gates",]
# Vertically aligned master sample bounding box.
bb <- spbal::BoundingBox(shapefile = shp_gates)

Generate numbers from a Halton Sequence.


For efficiency, this function can generate points along a random start Halton Sequence for a predefined Halton.


  n = 10L,
  seeds = as.integer(c()),
  bases = as.numeric(c()),
  verbose = FALSE



Number of points required.


Random starting point in each dimension.


Co-prime base for the Halton Sequence.


A boolean indicating whether informational messages are to be issued.


Matrix with the columns, order of points, x in [0,1) and y in [0,1)


This function was first written in R by Blair Robertson, subsequently it was re-written in C/C++ by Phil Davies.


# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3
spbal::cppBASpts(n = 10)
# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3 with
# starting point at the 15th and 22nd index.
spbal::cppBASpts(n = 10, seeds = c(14, 21))

Generate numbers from a Halton Sequence along a specified set of indices.


For efficiency, this function can generate points along a random start Halton Sequence for a predefined set of indices away from the seed. When boxes are provided it will calculate the Halton Sequence only at those boxes and not along the entire sequence.


  n = 10L,
  seeds = as.integer(c()),
  bases = as.numeric(c()),
  boxes = as.integer(c()),
  verbose = FALSE



Number of points required.


Random starting point in each dimension.


Co-prime base for the Halton Sequence.


Integer vector of indices to sample along the Halton sequence (default 1:n).


A boolean indicating whether informational messages are to be issued.


When not all points along the Halton sequence are required, this function efficiently generates the points that are needed along a sequence. Taking all points from the random seed equates to boxes = 1:n. However, taking advantage of how the Halton Sequence repeats itself by B = prod(base^J), where $J$ is an integer. We can also select every Bth box to efficiently generate values at specific locations along the sequence. This reduces future computation when bounding boxes are large in comparison to the polygon being sampled.


Matrix with the columns, order of points, x in [0,1) and y in [0,1)


Phil Davies, Paul van Dam-Bates, Blair Robertson.


# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3
spbal::cppBASptsIndexed(n = 10)
# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3 with
# starting point at the 15th and 22nd index.
spbal::cppBASptsIndexed(n = 10, seeds = c(14, 21))

Generate numbers from a Halton Sequence with a random start


For efficiency, this function can generate points along a random start Halton Sequence for a predefined Halton.


  n = 10L,
  bases = as.numeric(c()),
  seeds = as.numeric(c()),
  verbose = FALSE



Number of points required


Co-prime base for the Halton Sequence


Random starting point in each dimension


A boolean indicating whether informational messages are to be issued.


Matrix with the columns, order of point, x in [0,1) and y in [0,1).


This function was first written in R by Blair Robertson, subsequently it was written in C/C++ by Phil Davies.


# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3
 spbal::cppRSHalton_br(n = 10)
# First 10 points in the Halton Sequence for base 2,3 with
# starting point at the 15th and 22nd index.
 spbal::cppRSHalton_br(n = 10, seeds = c(14, 21))

Extract all points with a specified panel id from a sample.


This is the main function for selecting sites using the BAS master sample. It assumes that you have already defined the master sample using the BoundingBox() function or will be selecting a marine master sample site in BC.


getPanel(shapefile, panelid)



Shape file as a polygon (sp or sf) containing a sample that contains a feature column named panel_id.


The overlapped panel in the shapefile shp the user wants sample points from.


The sample for the specified panel.


Phil Davies.


# Halton frame overlapping panel design showing use of getPanel.

# Use the North Carolina shapefile supplied in the sf R package.
shp_file <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
shp_gates <- shp_file[shp_file$NAME == "Gates",]

# Vertically aligned master sample bounding box.
bb <- spbal::BoundingBox(shapefile = shp_gates)

# Three panels, of 20 samples each.
panels <- c(20, 20, 20)

# second panel overlaps first panel by 5, and third panel
# overlaps second panel by 5.
panel_overlap <- c(0, 5, 5)

# generate the sample.
samp <- spbal::HaltonFrame(J = c(4, 3),
                           boundingbox = bb,
                           panels = panels,
                           panel_overlap = panel_overlap,
                           shapefile = shp_gates)

# get halton frame data from our sample.
samp3 <- samp$hf.pts.shp

panelid <- 1
olPanel_1 <- spbal::getPanel(samp3, panelid)

Extract a sample of a specified size from a master sample.


A description of this useful function.


getSample(shapefile, n, randomStart = FALSE, strata = NULL, stratum = NULL)



A MULTIPOINT or POINT object from where to take the sample.


The number of sample points to return.


Whether a spatially balanced sample will be randomly drawn from the frame or not. Default value is FALSE.


to be added


The name of a column in the dataframe attached to shapefile that defines the strata of interest.


A list containing the following variable:

  • sample The sample from the shapefile POINTS.


Phil Davies.


# Draw a spatially balanced sample of n = 25 from a Halton Frame over Gates --

# Use the North Carolina shapefile supplied in the sf R package.
shp_file <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
shp_gates <- shp_file[shp_file$NAME == "Gates",]

# Vertically aligned master sample bounding box.
bb <- spbal::BoundingBox(shapefile = shp_gates)

result7 <- spbal::HaltonFrame(shapefile = shp_gates,
                              J = c(6, 4),
                              boundingbox = bb)
Frame <- result7$hf.pts.shp

# Get the first 25 sites from a B = (2^6) * (3^4) Halton Frame (62,208 grid
# points covering Gates).
n_samples <- 25
FrameSample <-getSample(shapefile = Frame,
                        n = n_samples)
FrameSample <- FrameSample$sample

Create a Halton Frame.


Halton frames discretize an areal resource into a spatially ordered grid, where samples of consecutive frame points are spatially balanced. To generate Halton Frames, spbal requires a study region shapefile and the region’s bounding box.


  N = 1,
  J = base::c(3, 2),
  bases = base::c(2, 3),
  boundingbox = NULL,
  shapefile = NULL,
  panels = NULL,
  panel_overlap = NULL,
  seeds = NULL,
  stratum = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



The number of points in the frame to generate.


The number of grid cells. A list of 2 values. The default value is c(3, 2).


Co-prime base for the Halton Sequence. The default value is c(2, 3).


Bounding box around the study area. If a bounding box is not supplied then spbal will generate a bounding box for the shapefile.


A sf object. If the shapefile parameter is NULL then function HaltonFrameBase is called directly.


A list of integers that define the size of each panel in a non-overlapping panels design. The length of the list determines the number of panels required. The sum of the integers in the panels parameter will determine the total number of samples selected, n. The default value for panels is NULL, this indicates that a non-overlapping panel design is not wanted.


A list of integers that define the overlap into the previous panel. Is only used when the panels parameter is not NULL. The default value for panel_overlap is NULL. The length of panel_overlap must be equal to the length of panels. The first value is always forced to zero as the first panel never overlaps any region.


A vector of 2 seeds, u1 and u2. If not specified, the default is NULL.


Name of column in shapefile that makes up the strata.


Boolean if you want to see any output printed to screen. Helpful if taking a long time. Default is FALSE i.e. no informational messages are displayed.


Returns a list containing five variables:

  • J The number of grid cells. A list of 2 values that were used to generate this Halton grid and frame.

  • hg.pts.shp Halton grid over the bounding box and study area.

  • hf.pts.shp Halton frame, the sample points within the study area.

  • bb The bounding box.

  • seeds The u1 and u2 seeds used to generate the sample.

The sample points in hf.pts.shp are returned in the form of a simple feature collection of POINT objects. As well as having the features from the original shapefile, the following new attributes have been added:

  • spbalSeqID: A unique identifier for every sample point.

  • ID: A unique identifier, the Halton frame point order.


Phil Davies.


# we discretize the Gates study region into a coarse grid using
# B = 2^{J_1} * 3^{J_2}= (2^3) * (3^2) (9 by 8 grid) ------------------------

# Use the North Carolina shapefile supplied in the sf R package.
shp_file <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
shp_gates <- shp_file[shp_file$NAME == "Gates",]

# Vertically aligned master sample bounding box.
bb <- spbal::BoundingBox(shapefile = shp_gates)

result6 <- spbal::HaltonFrame(shapefile = shp_gates,
                              J = c(3, 2),
                              boundingbox = bb)
# get the frame points.
Frame <- result6$hf.pts.shp
# get the grid points.
Grid <- result6$hg.pts.shp

Halton Iterative Partitioning (HIP).


HIP draws spatially balanced samples and over-samples from point resources by partitioning the resource into boxes with the same nested structure as Halton boxes. The spbal parameter iterations defines the number of boxes used in the HIP partition and should be larger than the sample size but less than the population size. The iterations parameter also defines the number of units available in the HIP over-sample, where the over-sample contains one unit from each box in the HIP partition.


  population = NULL,
  n = 20,
  iterations = 7,
  minRadius = NULL,
  panels = NULL,
  panel_overlap = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



A population of point pairs.


The number of points to draw from the population. Default 20.


The levels of partitioning required. Default 7.


If specified, the minimum distance, in meters, allowed between sample points. This is applied to the $overSample.


A list of integers that define the size of each panel in a non-overlapping panels design. The length of the list determines the number of panels required. The sum of the integers in the panels parameter will determine the total number of samples selected, n. The default value for panels is NULL, this indicates that a non-overlapping panel design is not wanted.


A list of integers that define the overlap into the previous panel. Is only used when the panels parameter is not NULL. The default value for panel_overlap is NULL. The length of panel_overlap must be equal to the length of panels. The first value is always forced to zero as the first panel never overlaps any region.


Boolean if you want to see any output printed to screen. Helpful if taking a long time. Default is FALSE i.e. no informational messages are displayed.


Halton iterative partitioning (HIP) extends Basic acceptance sampling (BAS) to point resources. It partitions the resource into $B >= n$ boxes that have the same nested structure as in BAS, but different sizes. These boxes are then uniquely numbered using a random-start Halton sequence of length $B$. The HIP sample is obtained by randomly drawing one point from each of the boxes numbered $1, 2, . . . , n$.


Return a list containing the following five variables:

  • Population Original population point pairs as an sf object.

  • HaltonIndex The Halton index for the point. Points will be spread equally across all Halton indices.

  • sample The sample from the population of size n.

  • overSample The overSample contains one point from each Halton box. All contiguous sub-samples from oversample are spatially balanced, and the first n points are identical to sample.

  • minRadius This result variable contains the sample created using the minRadius parameter. If the minRadius parameter is not specified then the minRadius variable will contain NULL.


Phil Davies, Blair Robertson.


# generating 20 points from a population of 5,000 (random) points with 7
# levels of partitioning (4 in the first dimension and 3 in the second) to
# give (2^4) * (3^3) = 32 * 27, resulting in 864 boxes ----------------------

# set random seed

# define HIP parameters.
pop <- matrix(runif(5000*2), nrow = 5000, ncol = 2)
n <- 20
its <- 7

# Convert the population matrix to an sf point object.
sf_points <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(pop), coords = c("X1", "X2"))

# generate HIP sample.
result <- spbal::HIP(population = sf_points,
                     n = n,
                     iterations =  its)

# HaltonIndex
HaltonIndex <- result$HaltonIndex

# Population Sample
HIPsample <- result$sample

Simple random sampling.


This function invokes base::sample() to draw a random sample using a user specified random seed.


SRS(seed = 511, total_rows = 0, sample_size = 0)



The random seed to be used to draw the current sample.


The total number of rows in our input dataset.


The number of rows wanted in our random sample.


This function was written by Phil Davies.


A random sample.


# Create a random sample with a seed of 99 ----------------------------------
spbal::SRS(seed = 99, total_rows = 100, sample_size = 20)

# Create a random sample with a seed of 42 ----------------------------------
spbal::SRS(seed = 42, total_rows = 100, sample_size = 20)

# Create a random sample with a seed of 99 ----------------------------------
spbal::SRS(seed = 99, total_rows = 100, sample_size = 25)